Selasa, 12 April 2011

Global warming

Global warming is not foreign to our ears a lot of people talk about global warning. do you know what it was global warning. Global warning is rising world temperatures due to excessive content of CO2 and NO2 in the air due to burning oil vehicles are converted into energy.
fuel consumption would mostly spent for the benefit of man. example is transportation.

Well, we know the car is very useful for humans in terms of time and energy. for a distance of 300 km / h takes only 2 days, 2 nights on foot while using the car journey took 6 hours. is this not very useful.

certainly beneficial to humans. but did you know that there are plants in the world are now very few. plant will serve to change the CO2 into O2. for human breathing. nah if there are plants already tidah what will happen? did you ever think about it

if you look at the picture above, you will see a continent. look at the result of human greed that once covered the continent banya trees have now disappeared, only some are left.

maybe 100 years that had a white translucent rain will turn into a black rain, resulting from contamination of CO2 in the air. not horrible. it is also filled with polar ice began to melt slowly but surely.

if you have this human masihkah be arrogant?

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