Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

how to make biodesel?

biodesel is biodiesel is a fuel engine / diesel engine which consists of alkyl esters of fatty acids.
Biodiesel can be made from vegetable oils or animal fats, but the most commonly used as raw material for making biodiesel is vegetable oil. Vegetable oil and biodiesel belong to the large class of organic compounds are the same, namely class-acid esters of fatty acids. However, is the triester of vegetable oil fatty acids with glycerol, or triglycerides, while biodiesel is a monoester fatty acids with methanol. Differences of this molecular form has some important consequences in the assessment both as a candidate fuel diesel engines:
1. Vegetable oils (ie triglycerides) large molecular weight, much larger than biodiesel (ie, methyl ester). As a result, relatively easy triglycerides experienced cracking (cracking) into various small molecules, when heated without contact with air (oxygen).
2. Vegetable oil has a viscosity (viscosity) is much larger than the diesel oil / diesel fuel or biodiesel, so penginjeksi fuel pump in a diesel engine was unable to produce fogging (atomization) is good when vegetable oil is sprayed into the burning room.
Biodiesel Production Process Intensification 5
3. Vegetable oil molecule is relatively more branched than the methyl ester fatty acids. As a result, vegetable oil cetane number is lower than the cetane number of methyl ester. Figures for ease of cetane is the benchmark light / burning of a fuel in diesel engines.

the stages in making biodesel
1. extraction of raw materials biodesel
raw material oil derived diesel typically vegetable materials extracted using solvents n-heksane. solvent n-heksane used because it easily dissolves triglycerides in the raw material. to pempercepat better at this stage add the heating. the extracted oil will be colored bright yellow to dark yellow. keep in mind the weight ratio of solv
ent and plant materials are very influential in this extraction stage. very nice if the add agiator.

2. distillation of the oil extraction
biodesel making is a reaction between triglycerides and methanol to produce methyl ester with glycerin byproducts. to obtain pure triglycerides should be separated between the solvent n-heksane with trigleseria with the distillation apparatus. with n-heksane boiling point of 60 degrees.

3. degumming
degumming stage is the stage of separation from a solution of gum resin of triglycerides that have been distilled. degumming stage is the stage of the addition of gum resin at a temperature of 60 degrees with the addition of H3PO4.

4.transetrerification or esterified
at this stage thing to note is whether the FFA biodesel raw material for making high or low. raw materials that have low FFA can use transesterification ..
if high oil FFA esterification use.
This stage is pereaksian triglycerides with methanol with the aid of NaOH catalyst.

5. purification
biodesel purification can be performed with the addition of water at 10% of the volume of methyl esters in the can, then separate them with water in the heat.